When I became an Adult I put the ways of Childhood behind me.
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; When I became an adult, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
1 Corinthians 13:11
In all omniscient honesty, Civilization,
And, this is not as it were in the beginning, but as it is now,
Here on the verge of your Adulthood Coming of Age,
You act not fit to wear the adult clothes you wear, as it were.
Mark this!
Given your view from here and now on the verge of your adulthood,
With all you have done with all you have been given?
Here from the view on the verge of your Coming of Age?
You must know, Civilization, that, as it is,
You are not lately who you think you are;
Not even who you think you want to be;
Certainly, not who you must be in this era of your pending Self-actualization.
You, Civilization, have been endowed from nothingness thru the gifts of the ages!
The record shows: Your growth through embryonic Prehistory and Emergence,
To and through Ancient infancy, gifted and raised by natural Commandments,
Toward and into your Classical poly-iconic dominant lower emotional childhood;
And then, let it be remembered, from that physically capable, lower emotional,
Selfish-hearted childish mind of your own, where you knew not what you did,
You had to be Saved back to healthy, and raised to be ready to move on viable.
Yes, let it be remembered: From your recalcitrant Classical childhood, Civilization,
You were Saved. Saved and then tutored in the New Golden Rule. Raised through
Your Middle Ages adolescence, your Rebirth and your Enlightened Constitution,
Of Modern young adulthood character imbued with the Old laws and the New.
But, now and here, on the verge of your Adulthood Coming of Age, Civilization:
You must know that who one is, is more than just a moment’s fit;
As can be seen you’ve grown from fit to fit, - not as it were but as it is -
Matured, from age to age, to and into your young adulthood Constitution.
Not as it were, Civilization, but as it is;
Survived, matured, evolved through the New and now towards the Next
- albeit, let it be remembered, with much needed support -
Ready here, “fit” to graduate, as it were, into your Adulthood existence, as it is.
But now: How fit are you, Civilization?
Prepared to where you can truly be what’s truly in your Constitution?
Yes, you may look the grown-up part, as it is, but here you are, as it were,
Practically only staggering across the campus towards the ceremony,
Like a lost Middle Ages adolescent: You do get the theory; but in practice? Fit?
What’s fit, Civilization, is your capacity and willingness to act with all you have,
What you do with all you’ve seen and sought and reached;
What you do with all you’ve fought for - and with - all you have been given,
In your development, in your evolution, in your Constitution, Civilization.
But, then - now and here - as it is,
Close to having evolved into your Adulthood, Civilization,
Not as it were but as it is?
Where are you? What are you doing?
Let you be reminded,
Let it be seen from the perspective of your own honesty:
At this moment, you’re acting not what’s in your young adulthood Constitution;
You say you know the words and theories, but, you actually forgo the practice.
And, let it be known, Civilization, as you go,
- depending first, of course, on the level of your golden ruled selfless honesty -
If you forgo the practice of the Truth set in your young adulthood Constitution,
You forgo the Next level of evolution in store for you in your actual Adulthood.
By and through your pending honesty from the perspective at that Next plateau?
You are - or should be - close to the verge of your own Adult seeing and knowing;
Yes, you are on the verge of your own all clear thinking working view of The Truth,
And, thus, on the verge of your own truly free Free Will control of your existence.
Be aware!
In Truth, you must all see all the sides of your grown-up Self, Civilization,
Yourself and siblings who know and use the Old and the New golden rules;
Honest confident humble faith that all your views, as you are, as it is, must be fit:
Believe this and you will see the Truth, Civilization:
Not “your” truth; Not “their” truth;
But: All the Truth, the Universal Truth of the broadest view,
Our Truth,
The Truth!
But the Truth? The truth is:
Here at the end of your “modern”, “evolved” young adulthood age,
You may look the grown-up part, complete with evolved young adult Constitution,
But, you are stuck in the mud, as it were, still stuck in Middle Ages adolescence.
Yes, somehow, most often lately you act much less than who you should be;
- How to put it for you? -
No, worse than that, Civilization:
Stuck in the blind recalcitrance of the adolescence of the Middle Ages, as it were?
Or, worse yet! Stuck in the lower emotions of your Classical childhood, as it is,
Sitting stuck in the figurative mud of your schoolyard childhood, Civilization,
Enjoying, the childish lower emotions, in the mud as it were, as it is;
In all due respect, wipe that childish simper off your face, Civilization;
This is no immature joke!
Frankly, at your stage?
As hard as you have worked?
With all you have been given?
Give Us a break!
But, here you are,
No longer only staggering across the campus this day close to graduation,
But, falling into the mud - fearful - hateful - and even smiling as it is, Civilization?
Stuck in the proverbial mud, as it were, on your way to full Adulthood, as it is.
And, as it is, with all you have been given? As hard as you have worked, at that?
Here, where regression cannot be an option, Civilization?
Frankly, lately, you have become close to an embarrassment, at best;
What are your lesser siblings and children to think, Civilization?
The needs of your Ancient infancy, your Classic youth, your Middle adolescence?
With all you have done with all you have been given?
By nature, by now, those needs should be cured, as it were,
Cured and fossilized in your foundation with your embryonic Primal prehistory.
Come aware!
Stand up!
Here at the end of your Modern young adulthood age, Civilization:
Yes, you’ve done the work and you may be ready to graduate, as it were,
Now, ready to walk across this stage into your own Next - Adulthood - age;
But! In all reality, are you honestly fit, as it is?
Are you fit to caretake The Business of Existence on your own as you are?
Though you may look fit, and even seem the part, look to your Constitution,
You are hiding in clear sight of The Truth you have been raised to; It’s all there;
You must get up, out of the figurative mud, and step back into the Golden Truth,
And, as it is: Leave the lower emotional Middle Ages adolescent needs there!
Open your eyes and see and believe what you have been taught for yourself:
Taking charge is in you, in your young adulthood Constitution, Civilization.
But, in order to seek the higher gifts of that Coming of Age Birthright Adulthood,
You must honestly re-think and re-know your Constitution and act from within.
Mark this and Act!
Yes, there can, and will, be more than you will imagine, Civilization!
But, until you’re fit - and then, even ever after -
Look into the Image of Creation’s omniscient caring view to know yourself;
Creation knows and loves you, Civilization!
This is the start of advice to you, Civilization, on the verge of Your Coming of Age,
Now get out of here;
You make Creation sick……….
(Just kidding you about the “You make Creation sick” bit, of course…. But, still…. :)
Yes, Civilization,
You must open your eyes and step into Adulthood;
Step out of the mire of the obsessions and the needs and complexes of the past;
Open your eyes and step into the Light, into this Next new age view of the Truth!
Not “your” truth; Not “their” truth;
But: All the Truth, the Universal Truth of the broadest view,
Our Truth,
The Truth!
And, with that? From that vantage?
You’ll know, Civilization:
Truly free Free Will comes only with confident selfless Adulthood honesty;
And then, it’s possible to see and say and do nothing but The Truth, so help you.
Fear not the onus of selfless adulthood honesty,
In fact, scrap all those selfish Middle Ages adolescent lower emotional needs;
There’s nothing to fear in growing up into civilized Adulthood, Civilization!
Yes, rely on Creation’s Person to Person oversight in your adulthood Meditation,
Your full-grown Adult Coming of Age Birthright perspective to which you are heir;
There is no shame in seeking Creation’s aid through your faithful Meditation,
Even over and above the tutoring of stained-glass traditions of your adolescence.
Yes! In the honesty of the humility of your confident Adulthood,
You can rely on guiding advice from the perspective of The Truth of Creation;
But, as that is? There’s more to discuss yet!
Listen here for an enlightening moment more:
What’s this, “Stay out of my business!” recalcitrance, Civilization?
Some kind of arrogant lapse in character? A throwback to childish contempt?
A mix of adolescence and misunderstood freedom of young adulthood?
Free Adult Free Will wisdom is not a given; Have faith in Creation’s oversight.
And too! You may have moved out of your mother’s stained-glass tutoring,
As you should have! By now it’s all in your young adulthood Constitution;
But, you must always support with deep respect the Golden Rule Institutions!
What was there for you, is still there too for your lesser siblings and your children.
No! As blind and as arrogant as your relapsed selfish adolescence may preach,
Creation is not dead! Go ahead: Pinch yourself, as it were, Civilization;
Even as your own Evolution is moving towards Adulthood, you must stay tuned;
You had better see and at least agree with this Truth in your pending Adulthood.
And, believe Me you:
This scolding tongue is better than an Ancient timeout or childhood dousing;
Turning you over cannot be an option in this Modern late young adulthood age;
Here and now, at this late stage, should you need more than just good advice?
Here having lapsed back and hiding from the honesty of the single-minded logic,
Should you need to be Saved again? Should you even need much support?
Should you need back to the Middle Ages adolescent tutoring,
In your Golden Ruled Stained-glass temples and mosques and churches?
Already having been created and raised and saved, and tutored, at that?
Here and now, at the end of your young adulthood Modern stage Constitution?
Civilization, you should be truly ready to graduate, and not only by age alone;
By Constitution you should be ready for a partnership with Creation; Believe it!
There will be more - solicited or not - to tune and fine tune your fitness;
But, Civilization, know this: There is no need to implore, Creation. Meditate!
Have confidence in your coming Adulthood and in Creation’s Consultation.
Yes, Civilization,
By Constitution you can be ready for more even than golden ruled Adulthood.
In short, adult confidence in self means selfless confidence in all sides of self;
The system calls for perfect Symbiance, perfect symbiotic self-actualization for All.
And yet, Civilization?
And yet, you’ve lapsed back into some kind of childish adolescent unfit split ego?
You seem to have succumbed to a guilty kind of bipolarized loss of confidence,
Unbalanced and staggering across campus going nowhere and soon, as it seems.
And yet, Civilization, there is no need for complex division over former disgraces,
Savoring the lower gifts of former stages, you had made massive mistakes, yes!
And, face the fact, at times grotesque mistakes were even constitutionalized;
In fact, at times you were sick enough to have had to fight to be saved.
But, let it be seen and known, in honesty, continued Evolution is simple:
Acceptance of disgrace and repentant firm amendment commits you to the Truth,
And a realization that to re-seek the higher gifts of higher stages is the resolution;
No need for guilt nor recriminating self-doubt. It’s in your Constitution. Move on!
And, in resolve you can go in peace: Escape the lower mud of hate and fear;
Escape the lower need for guilt and resultant hate of self and others;
Those lower needs can and will become your past. Get over them and recover;
And - it all makes sense - the way of Evolution and the Truth is within you.
But, in this current condition, as you are, as it is, Civilization?
Marching civilized ego across the stage into Adulthood?
Graduating into Adulthood? Into Self-actualization? Into Adult Free Will?
Though it all seems almost impossible, with firm amendment get over the guilt!
Clinically, metaphorically, you are stuck in the mud of your childhood!
Second guessing, and bickering with yourself over your past, Civilization,
Face it, not as it were, but as it was; As it is, are you afraid of something?
Get over the adolescent second guessing of self. Get confidence and move on!
Move on thru the Truth, the Truth of your Constitution, to even more:
More even than passive love of all in adolescence and young adulthood, as it was,
Active Symbiance is, as it is and will be, in your coming Adulthood character,
In your pending Next Testament, Civilization! Yes, symbiotic actualization of All!
Be assured, Civilization, the system of Creation works;
As you’ve seen before, you can do what discernment of the age calls you to;
But here in Adulthood, only when the parts of your sum are back together again,
In perfect harmony, as it were; In perfect Symbiance as it is, Civilization.
And you sheepishly chuckle at that, as it were?
No, this is no childish fable;
It can and will be done; this time without the selfless miracle of the king and his men;
Done in your Adulthood thru your Constitution - and, yes - some Omniscient oversight.
The Truth you’ve been taught in your youth and adolescence by tutors,
In the stained-glass traditions of the Old laws and the New Golden Rule,
In the chambers of the temples and mosques and churches of your mother,
Is no passing childish idealistic fancy; It’s all in your Constitution, Civilization.
The logical rules of your childhood and the more mature golden of the New,
Are no childish fable! They are as real as gravity, Civilization. No interpretations!
And, like gravity these rules are the natural, - Our Truth, Civilization;
Survival and growth and renewal require you to see that Truth honestly, seriously:
You have learned to see and appreciate and seek the higher gifts of each next age;
And, then, in health, to climb the stairs from age to age, as it were and as it is;
But with that success - with some aid - here on the Verge of Your Coming of Age?
On the Verge of taking charge of the business of existence in your Adulthood?
You stall, as it were, as it is: Stuck in adolescence, staggering across the campus,
Toward graduation into the onus of your own existence. Wake up, Civilization!
To reiterate: Mixed and stacked poetical and metaphorical analysis aside,
It should be very simple, Civilization;
After all, it’s all in your young adulthood Constitution:
You can and must look within and do it Now: Believe Me you, it’s only natural.
In Honesty it’s more than just obvious:
The dictated logic of the Old rules and the self-guiding ideal of the New are there
In your Constitution, Civilization, to help you seek, with Honesty, the Higher Gifts;
And, honestly? It’s all very simple. Repress the lower and seek the Higher Gifts;
Reinstitute the conglomerate strength of your base which is your civilized reality,
And selfless honesty is the spirit to temper that foundation, as it were, as it is;
Only then can you stand and see and appreciate the Adult Higher gifts to seek;
Only then can you see clearly and believe and know what’s real, as it truly is.
But then again, now and here? As it is?
Bear with this, you need it:
On the verge of the wisdom of your Coming of Age Adulthood, Civilization?
Again, let it be said: You are hiding childish from the onus of your own evolution;
Hiding, as it were and as it is, from controlling the gifts of your own Evolution;
Hiding from the family business of existence to which you are heir, Civilization.
And, of course, that cannot be an option,
If you are to survive and to thrive, into your Coming of Age,
Into your birthright position,
You must grow up into honest and confident Adulthood, Civilization.
Look at your present:
Look at who you are, as it is, as it were, decidedly stuck in this childish dilemma!
Currently - seemingly permanently - going nowhere, Civilization,
Close to the verge of Adulthood? Close to the verge of disaster!
Yes! And so, be advised, again:
Stuck in this figurative mud as you seem you are, as it is,
To begin to survive and evolve again?
Look away from the lower drives of childhood into Adulthood;
Those lower emotional feelings of childhood, youth and adolescence?
Pleasant, at times, as sitting there, in the muck of those old behaviors may seem,
You must get up and out and reach again for the more, for the Higher Gifts.
Reach certainly for more than just the gifts of the Primal physical of your infancy,
More than the lower emotions of Classic childhood and Medieval adolescence
- from which, let it be added, you had had to be saved at some great expense -
(Just a saying)
More than the gift of tutoring out of the adolescent illogic of your Middle Ages;
Yes, more even than the glories of your young adulthood Independence;
You are on the verge, and, you can be assured, there will be much more,
But only, as it is, when you make it into actual Adulthood - as it can and will be.
More than the gifts of the saving grace of your childhood adolescent dependency
- that Stained-glass dissemination of The Truth in your Middle Ages youth -
More even than - believe it or not - the Enlightened logic of young adulthood,
Having learned Independence thru Rebirth in your young adulthood, as it were;
There is more: Even more than only the art and science of young adulthood,
- the can-do logical method to find and analyze and manipulate and create -
To create your own Evolution with the facts and the logic and the art of The Truth,
To create your own environment from the Next view of The Truth in Adulthood.
Know that these Truths are absolute!
Creation has faith in you;
Have faith in Creation and in yourself, Civilization;
There is no doubt: You can do it! It’s in your Constitution. It’s in All of yourself!.
When you moved out of your mother’s stained-glass tutoring you took with you
Your Constitution based in the Truth of the Old and the New you’d been taught,
A New Constitution, a new character to advance you into independent Adulthood;
But in adulthood, Civilization, what’s fit is more than just what fits the abstract.
What’s fit is honest selfless adult practical wide-view application of the Truth;
Not abstract talk of the abstract idealism of young adulthood;
Not arrogant semi-conscious over-confident self-righteous young adulthood,
But what’s fit is honest Adulthood practical selfless application of the Truth;
Revolutionary exuberance has its points in youth, though it’s often blind;
Adulthood is much more than that, Civilization,
Adulthood is less cow bell, as it were;
Adulthood, as it is, is much more actual practical harmony as harmony actually is;
Adulthood is the symphony, as it were,
The natural grace of the art of Symbiance, a yin/yang, left/right balance, as it is;
The grown-up, practical, work-together self-actualization and happiness for All,
Is what makes for self-actualized take-charge of existence Adulthood, Civilization.
It’s in you, Civilization, to be able to actually practice what’s in your Constitution;
Yes, those natural childhood commandments to help all systems relate,
And then, the more elusive golden rule to help all systems integrate,
It’s all in your Constitution, Civilization.
And, those Creation-given gifts should be only natural in Adulthood;
They imbue your Enlightened evolved Constitution of your young adulthood,
Use them in all you will do in your Modern adulthood, Civilization,
You must continue to seek and find and keep and exert these Higher Gifts!
To be Adult must mean that you’re not only well-endowed, as you are,
Nor, as well, Civilization, only well-imbued in Constitution;
To be Adult is to seek actual selfless Adulthood excellence in yourself and others;
And, then, let you see, to begin to look for, and seek, the Higher Gifts of the Next.
Constantly seeking and finding and practicing the imbued Adulthood wisdom:
Seeking the Higher Gifts from your evolved higher Adulthood view of the Truth
- for All you are, with all you have done with all you have been given -
Will position you, Civilization, for all the good to come for All of you.
Practicing, yes, not only those easy very natural childhood commands of the Old,
But, as well, the very more difficult young adulthood golden rule of the New;
These allow for your whole self-actualization, Civilization, which means All of you;
And in this Next stage? Love becomes active symbiotic actualization of All for All!
Creation Loves You, Civilization!
As Creation loves you, respect and love and work with Creation,
Yes - here in your Adulthood birthright position –
Work actively to see, to seek, to accomplish to evolve to Creation’s expectations,
With your whole being, Civilization;
And, if you honestly love and respect Creation,
You will easily see how to work for and evolve to all of Creation's expectation;
And now,seek perfect symbiotic self-actualization for All of yourself, Civilization,
Perfect Symbiance in your Adulthood, Civilization, is Creation’s expectation!
Yes, Civilization, Creation loves you!
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