When I became an Adult I put the ways of Childhood behind me.
THE NEXT TESTAMENT: Into the Adulthood of Civilization, the back of which appears in the image on the left, will be available in hard copy through Amazon and Barnes & Noble starting in mid-October 2022. And, in 2023 look for a second volume THE WAYS AND MEANS OF THE NEXT TESTAMENT to follow.
—A Glossary with Some Commentary
—Some Passages from Scripture Related to the Next Testament
—A Bibliography of Related Works
We will add material to this APPENDIX as time goes on, hopefully close to daily with a transient date.
A GLOSSARY with Some Commentary
A Note about this section of the APPENDIX: A GLOSSARY and some more about the overall TRUTH OF CREATION:
You may wish to use this GLOSSARY as you might any, in order to clarify the terms used in the text of The Next Testament as you encounter them in the text. And/or: you may wish to read through the GLOSSARY on its own, in order to experience the multiple angles of commentary back-to-back. Be forewarned that as we have realized and previously reported, we consider the verse of the Next Testament in some somewhat diffident, sort-of joking/sort-of serious, self-effacing to be “meagre,” and, let us here disclaim, the mix of our prose and poetry of our commentary may fare not much better than that meagre verse. But yes, rest assured The Next Testament: Into the Adulthood of Civilization is the absolute Truth of Creation and our commentary is from our goodwilled and honest meditation with parent Creation. Hopefully, the prose commentary will be able to help illuminate the Truth.
Now, kind of like the sun does, only infinitely more than just the sun's physical presence, the Truth of Creation, has its own illumination. When we awake and step up to the full view of the Truth of Creation, we can and will see and be able to partner in the business of existence from Creation's perspective and in the fullness of the power and gifts of free Free Will Wisdom. It is expected that in the near future those of us——ALL OF US OF CIVILIZATION WHO CAN SEE TO STEP UP INTO ADULTHOOD——will see and know the Truth from the third eye, top floor, universal perspective of Creation, and as both benefactors and beneficiaries be able to share the unlimited gifts of Creation in the new garden of unlimited plenty. And then, when there, in order to showcase the universal Truth of Creation, to be able to clearly deliver and example and showcase Creation's Truth to all of our offspring children and to any lesser siblings of lower perspectives still reluctant to take the leap of faith out of Middle Ages adolescence, into young adulthood Enlightened logic and love-of-neighbor democracy, and then up into Creation's Truth to join the evolution into Adulthood. Yes, through our own systems of delivery of Adulthood Free Will Wisdom, we can and will example and showcase and deliver the universal Truth of Creation to All Selves of Civilization.
Please read THE NEXT TESTAMENT: Into the Adulthood of Civilization and use this APPENDIX, as it will help see and know the Truth of Creation.
Thank you, Charles 9/2022
Actualization. (here included 10-1-2022)
This is a term borrowed from the theories of *Abraham Maslow about self-actualization of an individual, here borrowed for our discussion of the growth of the individual self and also applied by our extension to the actualization of Civilization itself. Self-actualization in Maslow’s work, and actualization as used in the text of The Next Testament, has to do with the growth up through a hierarchy of needs—in Maslow of the individual and in The Next Testament of the individual and of Civilization itself. As you may know, in Maslow’s concept, the behavior and the development of an individual moves towards self-actualization as levels of needs are met: i.e., after the physical needs then the psychological needs and the safety needs and the lower and then higher emotional needs, to where self-actualization of the full potential of personal talents can be pursued to satisfaction. We borrow this Maslow term and his theories about growth of an individual up to fulfillment, to acknowledge the importance of actualization of the individual and then to demonstrate, by parallel, the evolutionary development of Civilization itself. By examining this parallel between self-actualization and the actualization of Civilization the evolution of Civilization up to its full actualization in adulthood might be better understood through the analogy. And let us say the analogy may be seen to go further. As the cells in the body of an individual develop and the individual grows up into self-actualized adulthood, so do the selves of Civilization evolve as part and parcel of the whole of the body politic, each self both benefactor and beneficiary of the actualization of Civilization itself.
Yes, by parallel with the growth and development of an individual, actualization can be seen to be an aspect of the evolution of Civilization itself. In the parallel, since creation Civilization has been moving from the total blind physical dependency of its Ancient infancy toward Adulthood actualization of full Free Will Wisdom of its fully actualized Adulthood self. In this parallel, Civilization has been evolving through stages of awareness, from total dependency on the external care of parent Creation to close to internal control of Adulthood Free Will. And, through Creation’s system of evolution, Civilization has been moving from a kind total blind and then very local dependent view of the truth toward full global view of The Truth, all the way up to stepping up into Creation’s perspective and thus being able to see from parent Creation’s actual universal view of the Truth.
actualization through actualization through the stages and levels of perception, a local-only view of the truth and a full dependency on parent Creation in Ancient infancy, up towards and close to universal view of The Truth and full independence of that universal view. In the evolution up through the resultant stages and Ages and levels of development and devotion, simultaneously Civilization met the higher needs and learned devotion to the wider perspectives of selfish: From devotion to the lower physical needs of self-selfish to devotion to the higher levels of selfish—self-selfish to emotional familial-selfish to security tribal-selfish to logical democratic national-selfish and real world global-selfish to now on the verge of universal-selfish of All Selves of Civilization. And so, from level of need to level of need and from level of perception to level of perception Civilization evolved up from Ancient infancy to Enlightened young adulthood ready to step into Adulthood. And, it follows, as the levels are attained the level of fitness to survive, level of fitness to level of fitness, Civilization has survived and evolved to close to full actualization into its independent Adulthood.
And yes, in the long run, Civilization will actualize into full Free Will Wisdom in the image and the perspective of parent Creation. And, it can be noted, over the course of Civilization’s evolution, the higher the stage, the more the independence there has been, and is and will be for All Selves all the way to full Free Will. Evolution up through the Ages is and has always been increasingly a matter of choice. From blind groping of Ancient infancy up through sometimes recalcitrant and prodigal Classic childhood, into and through Middle Ages adolescent to the logic of the golden rule of love and acceptance in Enlightened young adulthood of the New Testament, increasingly improved awareness has kept evolution on the path towards full actualization of Civilization, and the increasing awareness has allowed evolution up to be the full view to choose to move up by honest and good-willed selves of Civilization.
And now, The Next Testament marks the start of the stage up well past the diffident superstitious tribal-selfish Middle Ages adolescence of Civilization and even past the closed logic of Enlightened young adulthood. Having already chosen the New World Constitution of the New Testament golden rule blend of logic and idealism in young adulthood Enlightenment, Civilization should be ready—must be ready—to choose to step toward and into Adulthood free Free Will Wisdom by dedication to the Expectations of The Next Testament.
And in the end? At the Second Coming? The happy actualization of Civilization will be the happy actualization of All Selves of the body politic of Civilization.
*Abraham Maslow “A Theory of Human Motivation” (originally published in Psychological Review 1943, Vol. 50 #4, pp. 370 – 396).
the Adulthood of Civilization. (here included 10-3-2022)
Of course, adulthood is the mature state of an individual self, or by analogy, the mature state of any entity which might be considered a self, say in the case of Civilization itself as presented in THE NEXT TESTAMENT: Into the Adulthood of Civilization. In The Next Testament through the extended parallel on which it centers, Civilization is known and presented to be the individual self of all selves of the body politic of humanity.
For a human individual, adulthood can be seen to exist in the maturation and integration all aspects of self-control—the physical; the lower and higher emotional; the mental, both deductive and inductive; up to and into the spiritual levels of development and fully developed wisdom, and with that healthy development the development of independence. And, similarly, it can be seen by parallel that Civilization itself has had a pattern of evolutionary development—maturation up from nothing to modern integration of all selves of Civilization, from embryonic Prehistoric through Cradled infancy and Ancient childhood to and through Middle Ages adolescence and Enlightened young adulthood, and now, currently developing into the Adulthood of Civilization, and up to close-to full independence, ready to be able to partner with parent Creation in the administration of business of existence. In the Adulthood of Civilization all selves can and will be happily actualized and fully developed and matured through the levels of self-control—the physical, the emotional, the mental, the spiritual—and all will be able to step up to the perspective of Creation with the full-view of The Truth of Creation and the wisdom to partner with parent Creation as both beneficiary and now benefactor to fairly administer the garden of unlimited plenty in the business of existence.
Ages of Civilization—as seen in an analogous parallel with an individual person’s development (here included 10-3-2022).
To conceive of the evolution of Civilization as presented in The Next Testament: Into the Adulthood of Civilization, the Ages of Civilization might be seen as parallel with the stages of human development—embryonic, infancy, childhood, youth, adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood. In the parallel, Civilization’s development can be conceived in its successive stages, which we call Ages, conceived to be roughly parallel with those of the individual. Yes, the stages of Civilization—Prehistoric embryonic, Cradled infancy, Ancient childhood, Classic youth, Middle Ages adolescence, Enlightened young adulthood, and now, in the twenty-first century, ready to develop into full Free Will Wisdom in the Adulthood Age of Civilization, ready to step up into a partnership with parent Creation in the business of existence. To conceive the evolution of Civilization as presented in The Next Testament: Into the Adulthood of Civilization the Ages of Civilization might be seen as parallel with the stages of human development—embryonic, infancy, childhood, youth, adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood. In the parallel, Civilization’s development can be conceived in its successive stages, which we call Ages, conceived to be roughly parallel with those of the individual. Yes, the stages of Civilization—Prehistoric embryonic, Cradled infancy, Ancient childhood, Classic youth, Middle Ages adolescence, Enlightened young adulthood, and now, in the twenty-first century, ready to develop into full Free Will Wisdom in the Adulthood Age of Civilization, ready to step up into a partnership with parent Creation in the business of existence.
the Ancient childhood of Civilization. (here included on 10-4-2022
This Age—this early stage of Civilization’s development—as seen through the parallel between evolution of Civilization and the growth and development of an individual towards adulthood as presented in The Next Testament, can be conceived to be the period of almost total dependency on parent Creation, a period where the focus of selfish awareness was confined to the very narrow—local-only—view of the Truth, characterized by self-selfish and a very narrow, myopic view of what is right and wrong in the big picture of the Truth of Creation. In this period in history of Civilization's childhood, just like in the parallel period in the development of a child, individual selves of Civilization were driven by ego-centric self-selfish interpretation of the truth and devotion to the lower drives of the lower gifts, driven by vestigial know-not-what-they-were-doing of physical might-makes-right blind and groping in time, controlled by physical and lower emotion. And yes, as such, there and then, since the view and scope of truth was almost totally myopic and local, survival through, and thus, the resultant ability for evolution out of childhood, had to be overseen and guided by parent Creation.
Yes, as in the childhood of an individual, the focus of this period of the Ancient childhood of Civilization in the development and evolution of Civilization was characterized by lower emotions of fear and hoarding and selfish gratification, and whereby survival and fitness in the image of the parent must have required parental oversight and guidance. And, those who chose to behave according to Creation's expectation were fit to grow up and were Chosen to evolve. And, by the history of Civilization showcased in the well-respected Old Testament—Civilization’s early "permanent record" as it were—that is, the record showcasing the history of the Chosen in its early Ancient development can be seen and traced in the child/parent relationship seen in the relationship between Judeo Civilization and parent Creation. Yes, this period of Ancient Childhood of Civilization was indeed mostly one of narrow awareness of selfish local-only focus, one of local lower emotional blind self-selfish misconception and resultant egocentricity, with dependency on parent Creation being a must for survival and evolution in the image. And, where the expectations of parent Creation’s guidance and discipline was provided through the Old Testament covenant as showcased in the Bible. And when the expectations were met, they were met by Civilization in return with fitness and favor and evolution. And, as in nature, if not met, were met with guidance and discipline to help the offspring Civilization survive to evolve into the next stages of development. That’s Creation’s nature and it makes best sense in all stages and Ages Civilization/Creation relationship.
Yes, the parallel can be seen to be showcased in those periods of the development of the Chosen of civilization, the periods of discipline and guidance—the discipline well-seen and noted in the expulsion and specific instances of flooding and Noah and more, and time-outs, as in Egypt and then deliverance by Moses into favor and then guidance into evolution—perhaps as capsulized best in the dictated Commandments.
And, mark this:
Though maybe seemingly-so from the vestigial ego of “sophisticated” Enlightened young adulthood, rest assured that this “permanent record” of The Old Testament is not a fable. Yes, it is often figurative and delivered from a simple ancient perspective, but yes, it is the truth. This record is at least the actual outline of the history of our early developmental evolution—survival and evolution of the Chosen, those best fit to be chosen for survival, with the watchful helpful eye of parent Creation because they best met parent Creation's expectations, best met the expectations of Creation with honesty and goodwill, thus best fit for survival and evolution up through the early Ages. And, as The Old Testament is the Truth of Creation of the Ancients, The New Testament is Creation's Truth of our Saving by parent Creation into Middle Ages adolescence and Enlightened young adulthood of our love of neighbor democratic Constitution and evolution up through the ever-growing expectations of the nature of Creation into Adulthood, Civilization.
And, Civilization, as noted before—and as will be noted again since it makes best sense—there is nothing personal in Creation's choice of the Chosen to be the birthright child. It's a matter of fitness to survive and evolve towards adulthood. And, those chosen can and will, and do in the long run, influence All Selves of civilization. Nothing personal, it's a matter of being fit to meet Creation's expectations in the image of Creation.
the Awareness of the body politic of Civilization. (included here 10-6-2022)
The development of the collective awareness of the body politic of Civilization, that is, its development and its interfacing—its interconnection and integration—with the evolution of Civilization, can be seen more clearly if compared by analogy as parallel with the developmental awarenessof an individual as the individual grows up through the stages of natural development into adulthood. As in the developmental levels of an individual’s awareness, the best awareness, and resultant self-control towards independence, survives, and Civilization itself has evolved towards its Adulthood as awareness has developed and thus toward Adult independent self-control from the higher perspectives.
Yes, in our parallel between the evolution of Civilization and the maturation of an individual, the evolution of awareness towards the full Truth of reality and towards fully fit self-control can be seen to be parallel to the growing up and evolution of an individual towards awareness enough for independent self-control in adulthood—all the while having been guided by parents and other siblings.
Now, for Civilization’s part of the analogous parallel, the collective awareness of the body politic of Civilization having evolved from nothing in the beginning, through blind inanimate sedentary control by external forces only, through vaguely sensual physical-only embryonic prehistoric into Cradled infancy full and needful dependence on parent—in the case of Civilization, dependency on parent Creation—into the awareness of local myopic groping self-selfishness and then into only might-makes-right Ancient childhood, and there the control of opaque lower emotional awareness of very local control of childhood familial-selfish Civilization. And then, let it be remembered, awareness became locked in out-of-control thoughtless recalcitrant blind Imperial over-confidence of tribal-selfish Classic youth and had had to be Saved from the blind arrogant know-not-what-they-do, out-of-control childish control and mistreatment of others. But then, from that period of paused thoughtless awareness, Saved; saved back into the light and up towards and into the clearer thinking of young adult awareness of the love and acceptance others, toward the power of shared control, towards the New Testament theory of freedom and independence for all. And, the light of the new awareness would be bright enough to overcome the sedentary of self-selfish for survival and fitness, enough to start up again the evolution into the higher stages towards Adulthood awareness and the independent self-selfless selfish of All Selves control of the body politic in it together of The Next Testament.
NOTE: And now, please take a knee for a moment and mark this:
We, Civilization, can and will overcome this sedentary pause in growth of awareness of Civilization which is evident here in the early twenty-first century close to the end of our Age of Enlightened love of neighbor democratic young adulthood. Yes, we can and will overcome the gravity of the past, if we get over the vestigial myopic ego-centric look into the mirror blinded by the childish, self-selfish reflection. If we can understand that the things of the Old of childhood, and even those of the New of young adulthood passive love and respect of neighbor by Constitution but often exhibited in theory-only, are passe—even to the point of unfit—and then take childish self-selfish of self once again less seriously—maybe even begin laughing at ourself—then maybe we can move on. Yes, then, when we can see around that myopic view of self-selfish up and into the Adulthood view of the selfish of All Selves in the image of Creation, even up onto the top floor, third eye image of Creation’s creation, that’s when Creation’s expectations can and will be met by All Selves of Civilization, then, we will have Adulthood awareness to evolve into Free Will Wisdom of All Selves of Civilization.
There is no guarantee that The Parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant won’t itself be misconscewed from the handicap of tunnel vision perspective, but it carries a universal staple of the Truth of Creation needed for full fitness for survival and evolution into the full view of The Truth of Creation’s perspective in the Adulthood of Civilization. Readers are encouraged to visit (or revisit, if you are already familial with this truth) the Wikipedia article on this ancient fable The Blind Men and the Elephant. This article puts the ancient fable in context, and then, you may enjoy the John Godfrey Saxe version of this staple in his1873 poem called “The Blind Man and the Elephant”.
the Chakras. (placed here 10-9-2022)
Chakras is the term assigned to the tiered spiritual centers of power in the makeup of an individual as perceived in Ancient Indian Hindu thinking. These tiered spiritual centers of power, the chakras are seven in number, and they start from the grounded physical base and move up through the centers in the individual body to the highest, the spiritual. And, the seven chakras are these: root, which is the grounded physical base of security; sacral, the sexual and emotional and creative energy; solar plexus, confidence and self-esteem; heart, love and compassion; throat, communication; third eye, intuition and imagination; and, crown, spiritual connection to oneself, others, and the universe.
The chakras, in the esoteric ancient Hindu tradition concern the inner makeup of the individual, where each is a center of spiritual power in the human body, and these various focal points are used in a variety of ancient meditation practices, collectively denominated as Tantra or the esoteric or inner traditions of Hinduism. The concept of the chakras seems to appertain to the Next Testament concept of evolution up and presented here in or glossary since the tradition shows a very early realization of the innate knowledge of most of Civilization, the knowledge that in the nature of the human being there are levels and levels of awareness past just the physical and lower emotional to be sought for one’s full and happy fulfillment. Of course, whereas the chakras delineate the progressive awareness of an individual, it can be seen, in the parallel between the development of Civilization and that of the individual that the development of the awareness of an individual is part and parcel of the development of Civilization itself as it evolves up through the Ages. As the collective awareness of the body politic of Civilization progresses up towards its Adulthood there is integration of the awareness of each self and thus the awareness and self-control of All Selves of Civilization.
Yes, for some, the chakras might be seen to contrast with the evolution of Civilization since the chakras are part and parcel of individual existence, always only self-selfish and known to be there in the seeking of one’s own Supreme Self only, whereas, in the evolution of Civilization toward full actualization of Adulthood of All Selves of the body politic is the movement of the entire culture through levels of self-control in the selfishness of All Selves of Civilization up to Adulthood. Let it be known that Civilization and All Selves Civilization will evolve through stages into Adulthood of Civilization together, not merely the selfish actualization of one self but the good-for- all full actualization of All Selves of Civilization. Honest goodwilled awareness of the full Truth of Creation from Creation’s top floor highest perspective is is what needed for free Free Will Wisdom in the Adulthood of Civilization.
And, the widest view of the Truth of Creation accepts other perspectives if they are presented in honest goodwill. Buddhism and Taoism and more and more come to mind and the catalyst is honest goodwill. The chakras are an interesting study of a thoroughly considered view to help us see the movement out of just the lower into the higher levels of awareness and self-control. And, in passing, there is that other, more scientific left brain well-known concept of tiered and progressive levels, the study of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The contrast between these two very considered left-brained/right-brained views may provide a kind of Eastern/Western, active/passive, yin-yang balance that allows for good-willed fully selfish/selfless, spiritual/physical awareness on the way of the north star direction to full actualization of All Selves of Civilization.
the Chosen People. (as placed here 10-9-2022)
This expression, the Chosen People, as used in the text of the Next Testament, is from the traditional term meaning the people who are considered to be, or who consider themselves to be, chosen by God as his people, chosen to be especially consecrated into a covenanted relationship, and, by the historical account of the very respected book of the Bible, the Hebrew people and the Judeo-Christian tradition have become the group most often associated with this term, the Chosen People. And, though no such label will be necessary in the Adulthood of Civilization from the perspective of parent Creation, especially since it connotes just another tribe. the Chosen in The Next Testament covenant, it makes best sense, will be All Selves of Civilization.
Now, here we plan to make the leap past debate despite our respect for those who may still be put off by the persistent very natural questions about the truth of parent Creation and the Bible, pausing here only to illuminate the concept of the Chosen in the context of the Next Testament and the Truth of Creation for the purposes of this glossary. Of course, it is our hope that All will view the Truth with the open-minded logic of Enlightened young adulthood, with an open mind of honest acceptance of what makes sense and so to see the proof available in the Truth itself. And, though not taking the time for the time-honored debate, we may address some of the time-honored questions of some begging to be answered along our way.
In fact, here’s a first: Who says, for example, that God exists and is responsible for the everything, the all we know of existence? And, with that question, here to move on, even if mostly without debate, the record shows that a vast majority of all selves of Civilization have seen and believed and still believe in supreme beings and that monotheism is the view of the many of those Enlightened believers in the twenty-first century. Now, though a majority is not necessarily the proof that what seems to be fact is actually the truth, logical obviousness is a great standard of Enlightened young adulthood, and if you don’t see the logic of Creation, try not believing in gravity the way the vast majority does and must because it’s only logical.
Still skeptical? Yes, stepping away from ingrained stereotypical considerations into this basic logic of our reality may be tough without yet another circular parade of debate on this stage. But, let’s move on with some north star thinking.
And now, a next question: And, even if there is a parent Creation, who says the Judeo-Christian tradition is the Chosen of parent Creation and was ever sanctioned as such?
Certainly, realizing that this may seem narrow to those of other traditions, we here focus on the history of what is known of the Chosen. And, at that, we present it here by abstract condensation of the parallel between the Creation/Civilization relationship and the relationship of any parent/child, as that parallel can be found and [CD1] [CD2] seen in the text of THE NEXT TESTAMENT: Into the Adulthood of Civilization. Hopefully that abstract will make some sense of the logical view of the Chosen as being composed of those with devotion to the expectations of the Truth of Creation, and that, in history, the parent Creation/Civilization relationship shows the Judeo-Christian tradition to have been most fit and thus chosen for that commitment.
Nothing personal. Creation is like that. Creation loves all of Creation’s offspring but those most fit to meet Creation’s expectations best, are naturally selected as vanguard birthright child to carry and disseminate the commitment to all selves of Civilization who can and sometime will see the Truth of Creation. Yes, when Creation’s expectations are carried and are presented and showcase-exampled by the vanguard birthright offspring Chosen, All selves of Civilization can and will see to choose to be chosen and thus will be favored into Adulthood, favored to be both benefactor and beneficiary of the Truth of Creation, in partnership with parent Creation. And, seen in the light of the history of the Creation/Civilization relationship as showcased in the Bible, it makes very obvious logical sense.
SO, the term the Chosen is used to characterize those segments of Civilization who most clearly demonstrate good-willed potential to survive and evolve in the plan of Creation, those most able to be able to choose to evolve toward actualization in Creation’s plan for evolution of creation, of Creation’s plan for full free Free Will Wisdom for All Selves in the Adulthood of Civilization.
Now, let us add that it makes sense that Creation loves All Selves of Civilization, all sibling selves. But logic tells us that those who are friends and devotees of Creation—those on the same page, so to speak—those who are aware and who demonstrate sympathy and faith, are best able to understand the system of Creation, and thus, are most fit to choose to move up toward Adulthood free Free Will Wisdom in the system of Creation. Yes, it makes sense that those siblings devoted to parent Creation are those best able to see and choose the Truth and thus can and will be the Chosen to evolve. And it makes best sense that the Chosen will be favored in Creation’s creative system of evolution.
ANOTHER NOTE: (here entered 10-10-22)
And so, are those of the Enlightened young adulthood of the democratic Constitution The Chosen? Yes, we have been given much. But, Civilization, we have temporarily lost our direction and will need a north star correction. Will it take a world shaking? Here are some familiar images, Civilization: Twin Towers on 9/11 and the COVID-19 pandemic. These are truly self-induced punishments inflicted by lower, less-endowed siblings who see and seek to take the birthright of Civilization, seeing it from a narrow-limited adolescent perspective very personally and now not needing to have to respect the Enlightened perspective. Why respect a lower perspective of the chosen, if the chosen themselves are acting these days in adolescent behaviors, squabbling in childish lower emotions of hate and hoarding? Why not seek to take over as chosen if our own self-righteousness perspective is higher than that of them who claim to be the birthright "chosen"?
Civilization, we have to grow back to well-integrated logic and idealism of Enlightened love and respect of each other, if we are to stay continue to be fit enough to be chosen as birthright partner with parent Creation, fit enough to be able to share favor and full happy self-actualization with all siblings and all the generations of children to come in through The Next Testament. “Favored” is good, but we must not take it for granted. Remember: “To whom much is given…”
Just saying................................
AND FURTHER, please mark this while we're about it: (this is a day to day, ongoing note),
The Christ (here entered 10-16-22)
The term The Christ comes from the Greek word for christos, meaning “the anointed one” and the title The Christ was bestowed on Jesus because he was and is known to be the Messiah which had been prophesied over the Ages of the Old Testament covenant between Creation and Civilization. Yes, Jesus was The Christ, the saving favor of the Chosen, those of Civilization who are chosen as most fit to lead Civilization to survive and evolve through the actual incorporation of the golden rule of The New Testament. And further, it is the Truth of Creation that All Selves of Civilization will evolve up through the Ages, as seen through the parallel of the evolution of Civilization with the growth of an individual, from Ancient childhood into and through Enlightened young adulthood democratic love and respect for each other by Constitution. And Civilization will move through the Truth of the New Testament and into the Next Testament to be ready for Adulthood. Yes, ready for Adulthood through devotion to the plan of parent Creation, Civilization will attain the free Free Will of Adulthood when All Selves can and will become the anointed, The Christ at the Second Coming.
Hard to see? Hard to believe?
Believe it!
While creation of perfection from nothing is not easy, even for parent Creation, since it requires the choice of the created itself to be perfect, full perfection can and will be worked for and attained by Civilization, and Creation’s perfect package of perfect potential will be the realization. Some of Civilization has always been slower and may tend to try to hide in Medieval adolescence, but as the favors of Adulthood awareness are seen and accepted, All Selves will choose to be chosen to step up into Adulthood to be The Christ, to partner with parent Creation in the business of existence—the business of SYMBIANCE—the symbiotic full Health and Happiness, the Full Actualization of All Selves of Civilization.
Yes, All Selves will be The Christ at the Second Coming. That is the Truth of Creation!
Ah, no! That would take a miracle!
Take a deep breath, Civilization! The miracle started there. That is the miracle!
Civil religion is defined as the implicit religious values of a body politic of people, as those values are expressed through public rituals, symbols, and ceremonies and as they represent the relationship between parent Creation and the body politic of Civilization. Age to Age over the evolution of Civilization from Ancient infant dependency through recalcitrant prodigal imperial childhood—from which, by the way, Civilization, we had to be saved by parent Creation—to and through the adolescent Middle Ages very favored divine right of favored “royal we” of royalty and omniscience of clergy, up to the logic golden ruled Enlightened young adulthood Constitutional theory of independent freedom for All goodwilled and the subsequent internalization of passive golden ruled action ready to step up into personal relationship with parent Creation to partner with Creation in active Adult SYMBIANCE, the symbiotic actualization of All Selves of Civilization. And, all along, over and above the various traditional religions of Civilization the civil religion has always represented the internal relationship with parent Creation and the selves of Civilization.
While, especially in the Age democratic young adulthood of Civilization where by right of Constitution civil religion is separate and distinct from the rituals and traditions of traditional religions of temples and mosques and churches, it does represent the relationship of dependency between parent Creation and the body politic of the people, as well as their respect and devotion to parent Creation. And, over the course of it all to varying degrees the relationship has sometimes thinned to even prodigal, But, Civilization, as is only logical, we returned to the well when we needed to, and the evidence is in the effects of that civil religion. And yes, as such, civil religion is shown in the parallel between the evolution of Civilization and the maturation of a human individual as that parallel is showcased in The Next Testament. And the higher the Age of evolution the clearer the awareness and the closer the relationship with parent Creation. And civil religion is tied to survival and evolution and devotion to parent Creation from Civilization’s highest-level Age, currently the Enlightened young adulthood love of neighbor democratic constitution of Civilization.
And, in the twenty-first century, the ongoing implicit mystique of that highest level of evolution, as it is seen and reflected in the best willed golden ruled politics and the conduct and administration of everyday life, since it is intricately tied to parent Creation and the civil religion, allows any nation to be the favored Chosen. In the earlier age of Middle Ages adolescence, where many nations are still “royal we” centered, organized stained-glass religion has and continues to tutor Civilization on the road towards the evolution into and through young adulthood towards Adulthood but at times in blind obsession with self-righteousness, these nations are stuck in a very narrow view of narrow chauvinism—the “eye of the needle reference” here comes to mind—and the goodwilled movement toward Creation’s wider Truth in Enlightened young adulthood is severely restricted.
In that low light, blinded, locked-in-the-box arrogant demeanor, goodwill tends to fester into bad will, unfit to evolve and without the light of Creation will continue to bring the children of Civilization along in that locked-in-the-box festering. But in the light of Enlightened young adulthood of Civilization, it is the good-willed civil devotion to the golden ruled Truth of parent Creation best seen in the golden rule which is written into the Constitution, and which allows a nation to be and stay the favored Chosen. And then in sustained goodwill to be fit to move on into Adulthood.
And, as can be seen, in Enlightened logic, it is and has been nice and well to have a personal relationship with parent Creation. Favor has abounded for those who could see and apply the golden rule in their civil religion Constitution in the young adulthood. Sure, there is and was and will be flawed behavior, even as the golden rule was practiced at times in narrow theory only. But, have patience, Civilization, there is massive improvement. Check out the last sixty years or so. And, as long as there is movement up and we work together in the golden rule, there is obvious evolution toward the Adulthood forecast in the Next Testament. After all, in the figurative parallel, parent Creation is still paying the bills.
And remember: It is nothing just personal. Creation loves all family siblings, even the festering and prodigal. The point is that the Chosen have responsibility to showcase in goodwill and through civil religion the golden ruled constitution. Responsibility for the vanguard but be careful. There is no celebration warranted. No bloated, arrogant, ego-driven, self-satisfied, lower emotional celebration, Civilization. No, no celebration. But also no imploring nor kissing up nor cajoling necessary at this stage, at this Age necessary.
The Chosen are on the verge of stepping into the top floor partnership in the wisdom of Creation where best practice action and favor is the very natural effect of seeing and knowing the Truth.
Yes, personal and higher emotional is very ideal and pleasant. But it also makes best creative sense in Enlightened young adulthood All to be Free to seek their own personal way to the Truth. Yes, it’s logical that to evolve to free Free Will in Adulthood, we must choose to learn to work in the Truth on our own.
In twenty-first century, Enlightened young adulthood, Creation’s north star Truth is the golden rule. And, Civilization, we must stay consciously focused on devotion to the civil religion of internalized golden rule of the new world Constitution. Here in our later young adulthood, ready to step into Adulthood, Civilization, Freedom for All means Freedom for All those who choose to be Chosen, and the practice of moving from theory-only to active love of All selves wouldn’t be out of the question.
The Commandments. (here posted 10-21-22)
The Commandments are the expectations of parent Creation for Civilization as delivered through the Judeo-Christian relationship with Creation. The Expectations were delivered to Ancient childhood Civilization through Moses in the Old Testament. Though these Commandments are obvious and very logical, in Ancient childhood Civilization coming from blind might-makes-right prehistory needed the exclamation and they are a clear sign of the loving north star guidance of parent Creation for the Chosen of Civilization. And, though they seem obvious we must remember, the Commandments were not just for Ancient childhood. They are for all Civilization if Civilization was then, and is now, to survive and evolve. The expectation was that the Commandments would be internalized into all laws of Civilization of the Ages of evolution.
Covenant. An agreement
The Covenants. (here posted 10-21-22)
The Covenants between Creation and Creation’s birthright child, the Judeo-Christian tradition which seems to have been seen by Creation as most fit to be the Chosen for the vanguard of the evolution of Civilization. The covenants are those of The Old Testament, The New Testament, and now The Next Testament. And though remaining The Chosen as defined in the Next Testament Appendix above is somewhat pending here in the twenty-first century, devotion and adherence of Creation’s expectations is a no-brainer if we, Civilization, are to survive and evolve into the pending unlimited garden of unlimited plenty and our Adulthood partnership with parent Creation. Stand up Civilization.
Yes, Civilization, or all we have done with all we have been given, survival and evolution into full Free Will Wisdom and the Happy Actualization of All Selves of Civilization is a no-brainer. Get back together in the New Testament democratic Constitution so as to be fit to move into The Next.
cradled infancy (here entered 10-25-2022)
Cradled infancy is earliest period/Age of Civilization, in our analogous parallel between Civilization’s evolution and an individual’s growth and development. Cradled infancy is that period of Civilization between Prehistoric embryonic, close to physical-only awareness, of the gestation and its emergence, and shortly after that emergence into Civilization and into the earliest stages of self-awareness of Civilization. Cradled infancy is the period whereby nurturing of parent Creation would have been a key to survival. Now, let us remember that Genesis and its Garden of Eden is a massive condensation o
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